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In Matthew 6:28-30 Jesus says, “Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all His glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that they are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you.”  

Recently Serena and I spent the morning at Knights Ferry strolling through the beautiful wildflowers.   Although experiencing their beauty was enough, I couldn’t help hearing a deeper message.  I am not one who is gifted in flowery speech (pun intended) so it was fortunate I stumbled across this blog from Sister Theresa Noble that provides further insight from wildflowers.  

+Embrace Your Uniqueness: Wildflowers have an untamed beauty; they are not cultivated in temperature-controlled greenhouses. As Christians we are called to be fiercely unique, nonconformists (to the world), and proud of the one-of-a-kind persons God made us to be. Let’s be respectful of one another’s differences and encourage uniqueness without fear of unorthodoxy.  

+Love Community but Not Groupthink: Wildflowers are unique and yet they are so much more beautiful in groups. They are meant to be in community, it is not just about each wildflower and God. But a wildflower community is not like a garden-flower community. They do not grow in carefully tended rows on manicured lawns; they each sway to the wind of the Word in their own way. Wildflowers obey the wind of God’s will together, but if one bobs in the wind a little differently because a gust hits her in a different way, the other flowers let her do it! Their obedience to God is not robotic, forced or in lock-step with one another. Wildflowers learn from the way each flower sways uniquely in the one wind of God.  

+Do Not Be Consumed with Consumerism: Wildflowers are low maintenance. They require no expensive fertilizers, no watering. They grow and they die – beautiful and carefree, completely dependent on God. Wildflowers do not go shopping for the latest power tools or hoard twenty unworn pairs of shoes in their closets. They are beautiful without trying to be, wearing only what they need. They do not build mansions for themselves with ten car garages, they are satisfied to sway in whatever weather God sends them, quietly trusting in God whether they face wind, sunshine or storms.

+Be Wildflowers, Not Wallflowers: Can you imagine a wildflower not being noticed in a field of tired looking grass? Christians are meant to be wildflowers in the world. We have all heard that we should be salt and light, but how about putting on some wild colors (literally or figuratively) and getting our Christian groove on! Wipe that grim look off your face and smile! We are the children of God, if we don’t have something to smile about, who does? Sure, we face the lawnmowers of secularism and the heavy boots of relativism, but we are looked after by the Master of the Universe. What do we have to fear?

So come on my fellow Christian wildflowers, let’s peel ourselves off the wall and leave behind our wallflower ways.

Associate Pastor

Brent Sinclair 

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